RFC statement as Caroline Clarke steps down as RFL group chief exec

16 May 2023

Pictured: Caroline Clarke pictured at the opening of the Pears Building with Jon Spiers, chief executive of the Royal Free Charity and Hans Stauss, director of the UCL Institute of Immunity and Transplantation

The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust (RFL) has today announced the appointment of Peter Landstrom as the RFL’s acting group chief executive, with Caroline Clarke leaving to take up the role of London regional director for NHS England.

Peter has been the RFL’s group chief delivery officer and deputy group chief executive since he joined in April 2022, having previously held senior leadership positions across the NHS. He will begin his new role leading the RFL with immediate effect.

Jon Spiers, our chief executive, said:

“The news of Caroline’s stepping down as group chief executive of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust (RFL) brings with it a mix of emotions for her colleagues at the Royal Free Charity. While we are sad to see her leave, we are also incredibly proud of her accomplishments and excited to see how the NHS in London will continue to benefit from her considerable expertise.

“A true testament to Caroline’s leadership was how she guided the trust, working alongside the charity, in responding to the COVID pandemic, addressing patient care, staff wellbeing and the unprecedented need for research.

“A particular highlight of her tenure was the opening of the Pears Building at the Royal Free Hospital, our project to create a bespoke home for the UK’s most advanced research into the human immune system. The Pears Building is a symbol of what we can achieve at the intersection of visionary leadership in medical research, health service delivery and philanthropy.

“We’re very grateful to Caroline for being an unwavering champion of the charity and are delighted that she remains our trustee. Her understanding of the difference we make in helping the trust to achieve its strategic objectives has led to a culture of increased collaboration and support between our two organisations.

“We wish her the very best in her new role, knowing that she will bring the same leadership, commitment and dedication to her next endeavour.

“We welcome Pete Landstrom as the new acting group chief executive and look forward to working alongside him with our continued support for the RFL community.”